%0 Commision Stock Investment

Grow your money with Borsa Istanbul stocks, precious metals, and daily yield all with a single click and no commission fees.

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TEFAS Funds And USA Stocks

Soon, TEFAS funds and American stocks will also be available under ortak.



What is Blupay Securities Inc. and Who is Its Founder?
BluTV's founder Aydın Doğan Yalçındağ and Anıl Mertol established Ortak with the vision of enabling easy access to various investment tools.

Borsa Istanbul stock trading and Turkish Lira yield-enhancing transactions are provided by Blupay Securities Inc. and offered to users through ortak’s technology.
Is Blupay Securities Inc. a Licensed Institution?
Stock trading and yield-enhancing services are provided by Blupay Securities Inc. and offered to users through ortak’s technology.

Blupay Securities Inc. is a licensed brokerage firm authorized by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey under license number K-028, dated January 18, 2024. It operates in compliance with the Capital Markets Law No. 6362, offering order transmission, trade execution, and limited custody services.
Why do I need to verify my identity?
Blupay Securities Inc. is subject to the regulations of the Capital Markets Board (SPK) and, in line with customer identification requirements, must verify the identity of clients before processing any transactions, whether through brokerage services or transactions conducted internally. This process is in place to protect your investments and prevent fraud and counterfeit activities. User identity verification is necessary for customer support and operational procedures, and the information is collected in accordance with the contract agreed upon with you.
What are the transaction fees and commission rates?
You can perform stock investments on Borsa Istanbul without paying any transaction fees.
Where are my stocks stored?
Your stocks on Borsa Istanbul are held by the Central Securities Depository of Turkey (MKK), the Central Custody Organization of Turkish Capital Markets.

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